For the first five years he was in real estate, Brian Cane of PacifiCal Realty Group in San Diego, California, felt like he wasn’t really getting anywhere.
It wasn’t lack of enthusiasm. He wanted the biggest and best business he could build and set large goals to match his zeal. Cane was doing what came naturally to him: using his innate abilities, exercising his people and sales skills, and equating a strong work ethic with long hours. He remembers that time well … “I’d take two steps forward to take two steps back.”
For the first five years he was in real estate, Brian Cane of PacifiCal Realty Group in San Diego, California, felt like he wasn’t really getting anywhere.
It wasn’t lack of enthusiasm. He wanted the biggest and best business he could build and set large goals to match his zeal. Cane was doing what came naturally to him: using his innate abilities, exercising his people and sales skills, and equating a strong work ethic with long hours. He remembers that time well … “I’d take two steps forward to take two steps back.”
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