Whats worse than finding a huge spider lurking in the corner or a line of ants under the fridge? Finding that a rodent has made its way into your apartment. Take these steps when you find a mouse:.
First, Tell Your Landlord
If you live in a rental, notify your landlord or property manager as soon as you can, as they will want to take care of it as much as you do. They may call in a professional to clean up and seal off any points of entry for future visitors.
Locate Point of Entry
Its just as important to figure out how the mouse got in as it is to get it out. Check common areas where mice tend to enter, such as cracked window sills or foundations, exterior doors (especially to basements) and piping. Be sure all doors to the outside stay closed when they arent being used.
Close Off Holes
Once you locate the areas where mice may enter, patch or close it off to reduce the risk of more mice, or any other little critters, from exploring the inside of your apartment. Installing screens on all windows is a good way to ensure they cant be used as a point of entry.
Set & Check Traps
There are many different types of mouse traps and bait on the market, so you shouldnt be short of options here. Be sure to place them in areas where you find mouse droppings, dark corners and behind large pieces of furniture. Keep a constant eye on the traps, as a mouse who gets stuck can urinate and attract other rodents, spread diseases or stink up your entire home.
Keep it Clean
Make sure food is kept in sealed containers to reduce attracting rodents. If you drop crumbs or accidently spill something, clean it immediately. Wipe down counters and dont let dirty dishes pile up in the sink. Remember to take trash out, especially when its full of food.
Published with permission from RISMedia.
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