Maybe youre moving and want to properly stage your home. Or perhaps you just want to enjoy your home more, with less stuff interfering with your dcor. In any case, decluttering your house or apartment can create a more peaceful, aesthetically pleasing environment that everyone who enters your home will appreciate. Here are some easy tips to help you get started:
Set Goals/Make a Plan
The first step is making a list of the areas in your home”problem zones”that need your attention. Plan a day to tackle each area (or two, if its particularly troublesome). Setting aside an hour every morning before your day gets going (or one morning a week, depending on your schedule) can help.
Look for Things That Give You Joy or Efficiency
For each item, consider the last time you used it, how useful it is and whether you enjoy using it. If the answer to these three questions is over a year ago or no, toss or donate it.
Invest in Attractive Storage
From a new hamper to shelving, spending a bit of money on organizing tools that double as dcor can help your home feel less cluttered and help you keep it that way.
Pare Down Collections
Some items have sentimental value”childhood collections like dolls or trophies are common dust gatherers and waste space. Choose 2 or 3 to keep and you wont agonize over the decision or lose valuable shelf or storage space.
Check All Expiration Dates
Double check the dates on food, spices and medicine. Prescription meds can be turned into most police stations for proper disposal.
Start Small and Slow
If youre someone who has hoarding tendencies (no judgement here!), acknowledge it and dont give yourself anxiety by bringing half your wardrobe to charity or throwing out half of your childhood mementos all at once. Take one box at a time and youll stay the course without giving yourself additional stress.
Published with permission from RISMedia.